Signing Solutions Trusted By All

Importance of Electronic Signatures for the Education Sector

Traditionally the education sector has been a high volume paper driven sector. Student onboarding documents, mark sheets, degree certificates, employment agreements with staff, vendors and so many internal memos and documents. You walk into the administrative office of any university, chances are you will find piles of paper stacked up on all desks. Getting through so much paper is laborious, time consuming and error prone.

How important is electronic signature for the education sector?

Enter electronic signatures and it changes the world of the education sector.

  1. Student onboarding – KYC can be done online using Aadhaar eSign.
  2. Mark sheets & Degree certificates – These can be digitally signed using the institution’s digital signature and issued online to students. These are then also available for online verification by employers and verification agencies.
  3. Employment agreements with staff and vendors – E-stamped agreements can be executed online by all signing parties.
  4. Approvals – Multi-level approvals of internal documents can be done online from any device; laptop, tablet, smartphone.

The files and data is maintained securely on a central server. The signatures are stored securely on the server as well. There is no duplication so less scope for manual errors. Suddenly the processes are simple, convenient and do not take time. In the “all paper” scenario it takes days if not weeks for an agreement to get signed. It can get done in a few hours if not a few minutes.

The biggest game changer though is that the electronic signature technology addresses the elephant in the room – document tampering and forgery.

No one can verify in real time if a paper document has indeed been signed by the person who is supposed to sign it and that it has not been tampered with!Electronic signatures and sealing of documents on the other hand, ensures that the identity of the signer can be verified and that the document is not tampered with after it has been signed.

An electronic signature platform like TRUESigner ONE offered by Truecopy Credentials is the right e-signature solution for the education sector. It supports all signing use cases for all types of documents. Record keeping for years together is straightforward as it is completely electronic and on the cloud. There is no need to store and archive paper as it becomes unmanageable with passing years as the volumes increase.


The service quality that the institution’s administration department can deliver to the other departments, management and students is way superior than in the traditional scenario. The educational institution can focus on what they need to do the best – provide the best possible education to their students, achieve the best possible ranking they can, secure grants and leave admin processes involving signatures to be handled by e-signature companies like Truecopy Credentials!